Propagation and Repotting

Welcome to our “Propagation and Repotting” category, where we explore the art of growing new succulents from cuttings and provide guidance on repotting your plants. Our articles cover a variety of propagation techniques, from leaf and stem cuttings to offsets and division. We also offer expert advice on when and how to repot your succulents, ensuring they have the space and nutrients they need to thrive. Whether you’re looking to expand your collection or just want to give your plants a little TLC, our tips and tricks will help you achieve success in propagating and repotting your succulents.

Succulent Plant Reproduction: A Comprehensive Guide
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Succulent Plant Reproduction: A Comprehensive Guide

Succulent plants are both diverse and efficient when it comes to reproduction. Succulents are survivors, so it should come as no surprise that they’re great at making more succulents. They can grow from snapped-off leaves and cut-off stems. They make tiny plants that grow from their base or right off their leaves. They can grow…

How to Easily Propagate Your Hanging Succulents: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Easily Propagate Your Hanging Succulents: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hanging succulents are among the most visually striking (and convenient to decorate with) of all the succulents. I absolutely adore the “string of…” varities. However, these little guys are EXPENSIVE! I spent $20 for a tiny variagated string of hearts. Needless to say, when I want more hanging succulents, I propagate them myself. After all,…

How to Save a Succulent without Roots: Expert Tips and Tricks
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How to Save a Succulent without Roots: Expert Tips and Tricks

Saving a succulent without roots can be a challenging task, but it is not impossible. If you’re a succulent lover like me, you can’t pass by those sad, droopy succulents on the discount rack at the garden center. It just makes you feel so good to see a sad succulent become a healthy plant in…