
Peace Lily Hydroponic: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Them Without Soil

Understanding Hydroponics

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. Instead, plants are grown in a nutrient-rich solution that is delivered directly to their roots. This method of growing plants has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its many benefits, including faster growth, higher yields, and more efficient use of resources.

Hydroponic System

A hydroponic system is a set of components that work together to grow plants hydroponically. The system typically includes a container for the nutrient solution, a pump to circulate the solution, and a growing medium to support the plants. There are many different types of hydroponic systems, including ebb and flow, drip irrigation, and deep water culture.

Hydroponic Setup

Setting up a hydroponic system can be done in a few simple steps. First, choose a container for the nutrient solution. This can be a plastic tub, bucket, or even a fish tank. Next, install a pump to circulate the solution. This can be done using a submersible pump or an external pump. Finally, add a growing medium to support the plants. This can be anything from perlite to coconut coir.

Hydroponic Growing

Growing plants hydroponically is a highly efficient way to produce healthy, high-quality crops. Plants grown this way typically grow faster and produce higher yields than plants grown in soil. Additionally, hydroponic systems use less water and fertilizer than traditional growing methods, making them more environmentally friendly.

Hydroponic Plants

Many different types of plants can be grown hydroponically, including vegetables, herbs, and flowers. One popular plant for hydroponic growing is the peace lily. This plant is easy to care for and can thrive in a hydroponic system.

Hydroponic Nutrient Solution

The nutrient solution is a crucial component of any hydroponic system. This solution provides the plants with the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. The solution typically contains a mix of minerals, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as trace elements like iron and magnesium.

Hydroponic Peace Lily Care

Growing a peace lily hydroponically is easy with the right care. The plant should be kept in a container with a nutrient-rich solution, and the solution should be changed every two weeks. Additionally, the plant should be exposed to light for at least six hours a day, and the temperature should be kept between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ebb and Flow

Ebb and flow is a popular type of hydroponic system that uses a flood and drain method to deliver nutrients to the plants. In this system, the nutrient solution is pumped into the container and then drained back out, providing the plants with a steady supply of nutrients. This method is highly efficient and can be used to grow a wide variety of plants.

When possible, creating a table to illustrate your point can be an effective way to convey information in a clear and concise manner.

Peace Lily Basics

If you’re looking for a beautiful and easy-to-care-for indoor plant, the Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) is an excellent choice. This perennial plant belongs to the Araceae family and is native to tropical regions of the Americas and Southeast Asia.

Peace Lilies are known for their oval-shaped, dark green leaves and their unique spathe flowers. The flowers are white and grow on long stems above the plant’s foliage. The Peace Lily is a popular indoor plant because it is relatively low maintenance and can thrive in low light conditions.

Types of Peace Lilies

There are several different types of Peace Lilies available, each with its own unique characteristics. Some of the most popular varieties include:

  • Sensation: This is the largest type of Peace Lily, with leaves that can grow up to three feet long.
  • Mauna Loa: This variety has larger flowers than other types of Peace Lilies, and the leaves are slightly lighter in color.
  • Domino: The Domino variety has smaller leaves and flowers than other types of Peace Lilies, but it is still a beautiful plant to have in your home.

Caring for Your Peace Lily

Peace Lilies are relatively easy to care for, but there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure your plant stays healthy and happy. Here are some basic care tips:

  • Lighting: Peace Lilies can thrive in low to medium light conditions, but they prefer bright, indirect light.
  • Watering: Water your Peace Lily once a week, or when the soil feels dry to the touch. Be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot.
  • Soil: Peace Lilies prefer well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter.
  • Fertilizing: Fertilize your Peace Lily once a month during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced fertilizer.
  • Temperature: Peace Lilies prefer temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C), and they do not tolerate cold drafts.

When it comes to caring for your Peace Lily, a little bit of attention goes a long way. With the right care, your Peace Lily can thrive and bring beauty to your home for years to come.

Lighting Watering Soil Fertilizing Temperature
Low to medium light conditions Once a week, or when the soil feels dry to the touch Well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter Once a month during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced fertilizer 65-80°F (18-27°C), and they do not tolerate cold drafts

Growing Peace Lily Hydroponically

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance way to grow peace lilies, hydroponics might be the perfect solution for you. Hydroponic growing allows you to grow plants without soil, which can lead to faster growth and a higher yield. In this section, we’ll cover the basics of growing peace lilies hydroponically.

Hydroponic Growing Medium

When growing peace lilies hydroponically, you’ll need to choose a growing medium. Some popular options include coconut coir, perlite, and vermiculite. These materials are often used in hydroponic growing because they are lightweight, porous, and retain moisture well.

Growing Peace Lilies in Water

One of the most popular ways to grow peace lilies hydroponically is by using water as the growing medium. This method is often referred to as “water culture.” To grow peace lilies in water, you’ll need to place the plant’s roots in a container filled with water. It’s important to change the water regularly to avoid stagnation and keep the plant healthy.

Faster Growth and Growth Rate

One of the main benefits of growing peace lilies hydroponically is faster growth. Without soil, the plant’s roots have easier access to nutrients and oxygen, which can lead to a higher growth rate. In fact, some studies have shown that hydroponic plants can grow up to 50% faster than those grown in soil.

Growing Season

Peace lilies are tropical plants that thrive in warm, humid environments. When growing peace lilies hydroponically, it’s important to maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level. You can use a humidifier or mist the plants regularly to create a humid environment.

Table Illustration

Hydroponic Growing Medium Popular Options
Coconut coir Lightweight, porous, retains moisture well
Perlite Lightweight, porous, good drainage
Vermiculite Lightweight, porous, retains moisture well

In summary, growing peace lilies hydroponically can be a great way to enjoy the benefits of this beautiful plant without the hassle of soil. By choosing the right growing medium, maintaining a consistent temperature and humidity level, and changing the water regularly, you can enjoy faster growth and a higher yield.

Light and Temperature Requirements

Peace lilies are popular indoor plants that can be grown hydroponically. When growing peace lilies hydroponically, it is important to provide the right amount of light and maintain proper temperature.

Light Requirements

Peace lilies require bright, indirect sunlight. Direct sun can scorch the leaves, while too little light can result in stunted growth and poor flowering. If you are growing peace lilies indoors, place them near a window that receives bright, indirect sunlight. If you do not have access to a bright window, you can use artificial lighting to provide the necessary light.

When using artificial lighting, it is important to choose the right type of lighting. LED grow lights are a popular choice for hydroponic growers because they are energy-efficient and provide the right spectrum of light for plant growth. When using LED grow lights, make sure to position them 6-12 inches above the plants to provide the right intensity of light.

Temperature Requirements

Peace lilies prefer temperatures between 68-85°F (20-29°C). Temperatures outside this range can cause stress to the plant and affect growth and flowering.

When growing peace lilies hydroponically, it is important to maintain a consistent temperature. Fluctuations in temperature can stress the plant and affect growth. If you are growing peace lilies in a room that is not temperature-controlled, consider using a heater or air conditioner to maintain the right temperature range.

When possible, create a table to illustrate your point. Here is a table that summarizes the light and temperature requirements for peace lilies:

Light Requirements Temperature Requirements
Bright, indirect sunlight 68-85°F (20-29°C)
Avoid direct sun Maintain a consistent temperature
Use LED grow lights if necessary Avoid temperature fluctuations

Remember to monitor the light and temperature levels regularly to ensure that your peace lilies are growing and flowering properly.

Water and Humidity Considerations

In hydroponic gardening, water is the lifeblood of your plants. Peace lilies are no exception. They require a consistent supply of water to grow and thrive. However, it is essential to strike a balance between providing enough water and not overwatering the plant. Overwatering can lead to root rot, which can ultimately kill the plant. On the other hand, underwatering can cause the plant to wilt and die.

When it comes to watering your peace lily, it is best to use distilled water. Tap water can contain chemicals and minerals that can build up in the plant’s roots over time, leading to nutrient deficiencies and other problems. Distilled water is free of these contaminants, making it an excellent choice for hydroponic gardening.

It is also important to monitor the water level in your hydroponic system regularly. Peace lilies prefer consistently moist soil, so it is crucial to ensure that the water level does not drop too low. A good rule of thumb is to keep the water level at about one inch below the surface of the growing medium.

Humidity is another critical factor to consider when growing peace lilies hydroponically. These plants prefer humid climates, so it is essential to maintain proper humidity levels in your grow room. Ideally, the humidity should be between 50% and 60%. If you live in a dry climate, you may need to use a humidifier to maintain these levels.

Overwatering and underwatering can both affect the humidity levels in your grow room. Overwatering can lead to excess moisture in the air, while underwatering can cause the air to become too dry. It is essential to strike a balance between providing enough water to your plants and maintaining proper humidity levels.

When possible, it can be helpful to create a table to illustrate the ideal water and humidity levels for your peace lily. This can make it easier to monitor these factors and ensure that your plant is getting the care it needs to thrive.

Nutrition and Fertilization

When growing peace lilies hydroponically, it is important to provide them with the proper nutrients and fertilizers. Unlike traditional soil-based growing, hydroponic plants rely entirely on the nutrients provided in the water-based nutrient solution.

To ensure that your peace lilies are receiving the necessary nutrients, it is important to choose a high-quality hydroponic fertilizer. These fertilizers are designed to provide the essential nutrients that your plants need to grow and thrive. Some popular hydroponic fertilizers include General Hydroponics Flora Series, Botanicare Pure Blend Pro, and Fox Farm Liquid Nutrient Trio.

When selecting a fertilizer, it is important to pay attention to the NPK ratio. This ratio represents the relative amounts of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the fertilizer. Peace lilies require a balanced fertilizer with an equal NPK ratio, such as 20-20-20 or 10-10-10.

One way to ensure that your peace lilies are receiving the proper nutrients is to use a pre-mixed nutrient solution. These solutions are designed to provide all of the necessary nutrients in the correct proportions. Some popular nutrient solutions for peace lilies include FloraGro, FloraMicro, and FloraBloom.

Another important factor to consider when fertilizing peace lilies is the frequency of fertilization. Over-fertilization can lead to nutrient burn, while under-fertilization can result in stunted growth and poor flowering. It is generally recommended to fertilize peace lilies once every two weeks during the growing season, and once a month during the winter months.

Overall, providing peace lilies with the proper nutrients and fertilizers is essential for their growth and overall health. By choosing a high-quality hydroponic fertilizer and nutrient solution, and fertilizing at the appropriate frequency, you can ensure that your peace lilies will thrive in a hydroponic environment.

Fertilizer Name NPK Ratio Suitable For
General Hydroponics Flora Series 2-1-6 All stages of growth
Botanicare Pure Blend Pro 1-4-5 Flowering stage
Fox Farm Liquid Nutrient Trio Varies All stages of growth

Root Care and Maintenance

One of the benefits of growing peace lilies hydroponically is that it can be a low-maintenance option for indoor gardening. However, proper root care and maintenance are still essential for the health and longevity of your plant.

Root System

The root system of a peace lily is shallow and fibrous, which makes it well-suited for hydroponic growing. However, it is important to ensure that the roots have access to oxygen to prevent root rot. The roots should not be submerged in water, and the water level should be kept below the level of the roots.


Regular maintenance of your peace lily’s roots is important to ensure that the plant remains healthy. Here are some tips for maintaining your peace lily’s roots:

  • Check the water level regularly and top up as necessary.
  • Monitor the pH level of the water and adjust as necessary.
  • Inspect the roots regularly for signs of root rot or other damage.
  • Remove any dead or damaged roots promptly to prevent the spread of disease.


Peace lilies generally do not require frequent repotting, but it may be necessary if the plant outgrows its container or if the roots become overcrowded. When repotting, it is important to use a well-draining growing medium and to ensure that the roots are not damaged during the process.

Here is a table summarizing some best practices for peace lily root care and maintenance:

Root Care and Maintenance Tips
Keep water level below root level
Monitor and adjust pH level
Inspect roots regularly
Promptly remove dead or damaged roots
Use well-draining growing medium
Repot as necessary, being careful not to damage roots

By following these tips for root care and maintenance, you can help ensure that your peace lily thrives in its hydroponic environment.

Common Diseases and Pests

As with any hydroponic plant, peace lilies can be susceptible to a variety of diseases and pests. Here are some of the most common issues you may encounter and how to address them:


Disease Symptoms Prevention/Treatment
Pythium Wilting, yellowing, and stunting of plants Use a sterile growing medium, maintain proper pH and nutrient levels, and avoid overwatering
Fusarium Wilting, yellowing, and stunting of plants; brown discoloration of roots Remove infected plants and avoid overwatering
Botrytis Brown spots on leaves and flowers; gray mold on plant surfaces Improve ventilation and avoid overcrowding plants


Pest Symptoms Prevention/Treatment
Spider mites Fine webbing on leaves; yellowing and stippling of leaves Spray plants with water to remove mites, use insecticidal soap or neem oil, and maintain proper humidity levels
Aphids Curling and yellowing of leaves; sticky residue on plant surfaces Use insecticidal soap or neem oil, and introduce natural predators like ladybugs
Mealybugs White, cottony masses on plant surfaces; yellowing and wilting of leaves Use insecticidal soap or neem oil, and remove infected plant parts

Algae Growth

Algae growth can also be a problem in hydroponic systems, especially if the water is exposed to light. To prevent algae growth, cover the reservoir or use opaque containers. If algae growth does occur, you can reduce it by:

  • Reducing the amount of light exposure
  • Adding an algaecide to the water
  • Increasing water circulation and aeration

By being vigilant and addressing any issues as soon as they arise, you can keep your peace lilies healthy and thriving in your hydroponic system.

Propagating Peace Lily in Hydroponics

Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum) are a popular houseplant known for their beautiful white flowers and air-purifying qualities. They can also be grown hydroponically, which can provide a more controlled environment for the plant’s growth. Here’s how to propagate peace lily in hydroponics:

Propagating Peace Lily

The easiest way to propagate peace lilies is through division. When your peace lily plant has outgrown its container, gently remove it from the pot and separate the roots into smaller sections. Each section should have at least one healthy leaf and root. Then, plant each section in a separate hydroponic container filled with a well-draining growing medium.

Choosing the Right Growing Medium

When growing peace lilies hydroponically, it’s important to choose the right growing medium. Perlite, clay pellets, and tree bark are all suitable options. Perlite is a lightweight, porous material that provides excellent drainage, while clay pellets are heavier and can hold more water. Tree bark is a natural, organic option that can help improve aeration in the growing medium.


Overwatering is a common problem when growing peace lilies, especially in hydroponics. To prevent overwatering, make sure the growing medium has good drainage and only water the plant when the top inch of the soil is dry to the touch. It’s also important to avoid letting the plant sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot.

Nutrient Solution

When growing peace lilies hydroponically, it’s important to provide them with a balanced nutrient solution. A good hydroponic nutrient solution should contain all the essential nutrients that the plant needs to grow, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. You can purchase pre-mixed nutrient solutions or make your own using a hydroponic nutrient mix.


Peace lilies require bright, indirect light to thrive. When growing them hydroponically, make sure they receive at least 12-14 hours of light per day. You can use artificial grow lights if natural light is not available.


Propagating peace lilies in hydroponics can be a rewarding experience. With the right growing medium, nutrient solution, and lighting, you can grow healthy and vibrant peace lilies in a controlled environment. Just remember to avoid overwatering and provide your plants with the care they need to thrive.

Special Considerations for Hydroponic Peace Lily

When growing peace lilies hydroponically, there are a few special considerations to keep in mind to ensure optimal growth and health of the plants.

pH Levels

One of the most important considerations for hydroponic peace lilies is pH levels. Peace lilies prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 5.5 to 7.0. Maintaining the correct pH level is crucial for the plant’s nutrient uptake and overall health. You can use a pH meter to monitor the pH level of your hydroponic system and adjust it as necessary using pH adjusters.

Oxygen and Air Supply

Peace lilies require oxygen to grow, and in hydroponic systems, this means ensuring adequate air supply to the roots. One way to achieve this is by using an air pump to provide oxygen to the water in your hydroponic system. This can help prevent root rot and other issues caused by lack of oxygen.

Container and Stopper

When choosing a container for your hydroponic peace lily, consider using a glass container to allow for maximum light penetration. Additionally, a plastic stopper can be used to prevent water from evaporating too quickly and to maintain a consistent water level.

Fish Tank or Aquarium

Another option for growing hydroponic peace lilies is to use a fish tank or aquarium. In this system, the peace lily can be grown alongside a betta fish, which can provide nutrients for the plant through its waste. However, it is important to ensure that the water in the tank is not too high in nitrogen, as this can harm the plant.

Table on Optimal pH Levels for Hydroponic Peace Lilies

Optimal pH Range Effect on Plant
5.5-6.5 Optimal for nutrient uptake and growth
6.5-7.0 Acceptable range, but growth may be slower
Below 5.5 or above 7.0 Can cause nutrient deficiencies and harm to the plant

Overall, hydroponic peace lilies can be a great addition to any indoor garden. By keeping these special considerations in mind, you can ensure that your peace lilies thrive in their hydroponic environment.

Potential Problems with Hydroponic Peace Lily

Growing peace lilies in a hydroponic system can be a rewarding experience, but it is not without its challenges. Here are some potential problems you may encounter and how to address them:

Common Problems

One of the most common problems with hydroponic peace lilies is root rot. This can be caused by overwatering, poor drainage, or a lack of oxygen in the root zone. To prevent root rot, make sure your hydroponic system has proper drainage and allow the growing medium to dry out slightly before watering again. Additionally, consider using a beneficial bacteria solution to promote healthy root growth and prevent harmful pathogens from taking hold.


If your peace lily is wilting, it may be a sign of underwatering, overwatering, or a lack of nutrients. Check the water level in your hydroponic system and adjust as necessary. If the water level is fine, consider adding a nutrient solution to the water to provide your plant with the necessary minerals and trace elements it needs to thrive.

Calcium Oxalate

Peace lilies are known for their high concentration of calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation or poisoning if ingested. While this is not a problem specific to hydroponic peace lilies, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and take appropriate precautions. Keep your peace lily out of reach of children and pets, and avoid handling the plant with bare hands.


In addition to calcium oxalate, peace lilies are also poisonous due to the presence of other toxic compounds. Again, this is not a problem specific to hydroponic peace lilies, but it is important to be aware of the potential risks. Symptoms of peace lily poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing. If you suspect your peace lily has been ingested, seek medical attention immediately.


Finally, it is worth noting that peace lilies are one of the plants that NASA has studied for their air-purifying properties. While this is not a problem per se, it is an interesting fact that may be of interest to hydroponic gardeners looking to improve the air quality in their home or office.

Problem Solution
Root rot Proper drainage, beneficial bacteria solution
Wilting Check water level, add nutrient solution
Calcium oxalate Keep out of reach of children and pets, avoid bare-handed handling
Poisoning Seek medical attention if ingested
NASA Interesting fact about air-purifying properties

Buying and Commissioning a Hydroponic Peace Lily

If you’re interested in buying and commissioning a hydroponic peace lily, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you’ll need to decide where to purchase your hydroponic peace lily. One option is to buy it online from a retailer like Amazon. This can be a convenient option because you can easily compare prices and read customer reviews. However, keep in mind that you won’t be able to see the plant in person before you buy it.

Another option is to purchase your hydroponic peace lily from a local nursery or hydroponic supply store. This can be a good option if you want to see the plant in person before you buy it. You’ll also be able to ask questions and get advice from experts who are familiar with hydroponic gardening.

Once you’ve purchased your hydroponic peace lily, it’s time to commission it. This involves setting up the hydroponic system and ensuring that it’s working properly. If you’re new to hydroponic gardening, you may want to consider hiring a professional to help you commission your system.

When commissioning your hydroponic peace lily, it’s important to ensure that the system is properly balanced and that the plant is receiving the right amount of nutrients. You’ll also need to monitor the plant’s growth and yields to ensure that everything is working properly.

Here’s a table summarizing some important factors to consider when buying and commissioning a hydroponic peace lily:

Factor Considerations
Purchasing location Online or local store
Commissioning DIY or professional help
System balance Proper nutrient levels
Growth monitoring Regular checks for yields and growth

Overall, buying and commissioning a hydroponic peace lily requires some careful planning and attention to detail. However, with the right knowledge and resources, you can enjoy the benefits of this beautiful and low-maintenance plant in your home or office.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the water requirements for a peace lily?

Peace lilies require consistently moist soil. When grown in water, the roots should always be submerged in water. It’s important to change the water every 1-2 weeks to prevent the buildup of algae and bacteria.

How do I care for a peace lily in water?

To care for a peace lily in water, make sure the roots are always submerged in water. Change the water every 1-2 weeks and keep the plant in a location with bright, indirect light. You can also add liquid fertilizer to the water every 2-4 weeks to promote growth.

Can peace lilies grow in hydroponics?

Yes, peace lilies can grow in hydroponic systems. In fact, hydroponics can be a great way to grow peace lilies because it allows for precise control over the plant’s water and nutrient intake. Peace lilies can be grown in systems such as NFT (nutrient film technique) or ebb and flow.

What is the best vase for a peace lily?

When growing a peace lily in water, it’s important to choose a vase that is large enough to accommodate the plant’s roots and allow room for growth. A clear glass vase is a good choice because it allows you to see the water level and check for any potential problems.

How do I transfer a peace lily from water to soil?

To transfer a peace lily from water to soil, carefully remove the plant from the water and gently rinse the roots to remove any algae or bacteria. Repot the plant in a pot with well-draining soil and water thoroughly. Keep the plant in a location with bright, indirect light and continue to water it regularly.

Can a peace lily be regrown in water?

Yes, peace lilies can be regrown in water. To do so, simply cut off a healthy leaf with a stem and place it in a vase with water. Change the water every 1-2 weeks and wait for new roots to form. Once the roots are established, you can transfer the plant to soil or continue to grow it in water.

Question Answer
What are the water requirements for a peace lily? Consistently moist soil or roots submerged in water
How do I care for a peace lily in water? Keep roots submerged, change water every 1-2 weeks, add fertilizer
Can peace lilies grow in hydroponics? Yes, in systems such as NFT or ebb and flow
What is the best vase for a peace lily? Clear glass vase that is large enough for roots and allows for growth
How do I transfer a peace lily from water to soil? Rinse roots, repot in well-draining soil, water thoroughly
Can a peace lily be regrown in water? Yes, cut off healthy leaf with stem, place in water, wait for roots to form
{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are the water requirements for a peace lily?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Peace lilies require consistently moist soil. When grown in water, the roots should always be submerged in water. It’s important to change the water every 1-2 weeks to prevent the buildup of algae and bacteria.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I care for a peace lily in water?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

To care for a peace lily in water, make sure the roots are always submerged in water. Change the water every 1-2 weeks and keep the plant in a location with bright, indirect light. You can also add liquid fertilizer to the water every 2-4 weeks to promote growth.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can peace lilies grow in hydroponics?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Yes, peace lilies can grow in hydroponic systems. In fact, hydroponics can be a great way to grow peace lilies because it allows for precise control over the plant’s water and nutrient intake. Peace lilies can be grown in systems such as NFT (nutrient film technique) or ebb and flow.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the best vase for a peace lily?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

When growing a peace lily in water, it’s important to choose a vase that is large enough to accommodate the plant’s roots and allow room for growth. A clear glass vase is a good choice because it allows you to see the water level and check for any potential problems.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I transfer a peace lily from water to soil?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

To transfer a peace lily from water to soil, carefully remove the plant from the water and gently rinse the roots to remove any algae or bacteria. Repot the plant in a pot with well-draining soil and water thoroughly. Keep the plant in a location with bright, indirect light and continue to water it regularly.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can a peace lily be regrown in water?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Yes, peace lilies can be regrown in water. To do so, simply cut off a healthy leaf with a stem and place it in a vase with water. Change the water every 1-2 weeks and wait for new roots to form. Once the roots are established, you can transfer the plant to soil or continue to grow it in water.



































Question Answer
What are the water requirements for a peace lily? Consistently moist soil or roots submerged in water
How do I care for a peace lily in water? Keep roots submerged, change water every 1-2 weeks, add fertilizer
Can peace lilies grow in hydroponics? Yes, in systems such as NFT or ebb and flow
What is the best vase for a peace lily? Clear glass vase that is large enough for roots and allows for growth
How do I transfer a peace lily from water to soil? Rinse roots, repot in well-draining soil, water thoroughly
Can a peace lily be regrown in water? Yes, cut off healthy leaf with stem, place in water, wait for roots to form


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